view test/tests/ @ 536:33a59e232a5b

Fix basic output target to keep lines below 249 characters The line length limiter in the basic output was not properly moving to the next before 249 characters, which is the limit Color Basic can read in an ASCII basic program. Changed the line limiter to 240 from 247 to account for a possible 5 digit number plus a comma and just a bit of extra breathing space.
author William Astle <>
date Thu, 16 Jun 2022 13:55:34 -0600
parents 3cd8aa013b88
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# these tests determine if the opcodes for each instruction, in each
# addressing mode, are correct.
# The following list is used to construct the tests. The key is the
# mneumonic and the value is a list of address mode characters as follows
# R: register/inherent
# I: immediate
# E: extended
# D: direct
# i: indexed
# r: register to register (TFR, etc.)
# p: psh/pul
# each letter is followed by an = and the 2 or 4 digit opcode in hex
# each entry is separated by a comma

$lwasm = './lwasm/lwasm';

%insnlist = (
	'neg' => 'D=00,E=70,i=60',
	'com' => 'D=03,E=73,i=63',
	'lsr' => 'D=04,E=74,i=64',
	'ror' => 'D=06,E=76,i=66',
	'asr' => 'D=07,E=77,i=67',
	'lsl' => 'D=08,E=78,i=68',
	'rol' => 'D=09,E=79,i=69',
	'dec' => 'D=0A,E=7A,i=6A',
	'inc' => 'D=0C,E=7C,i=6C',
	'tst' => 'D=0D,E=7D,i=6D',
	'jmp' => 'D=0E,E=7E,i=6E',
	'clr' => 'D=0F,E=7F,i=6F',
	'nop' => 'R=12',
	'sync' => 'R=13',
	'lbra' => 'b=16',
	'lbsr' => 'b=17',
	'daa' => 'R=19',
	'orcc' => 'I=1A',
	'andcc' => 'I=1C',
	'sex' => 'R=1D',
	'exg' => 'r=1E',
	'tfr' => 'r=1F',
	'bra' => 'b=20',
	'brn' => 'b=21',
	'lbrn' => 'b=1021',
	'bhi' => 'b=22',
	'lbhi' => 'b=1022',
	'bls' => 'b=23',
	'lbls' => 'b=1023',
	'bcc' => 'b=24',
	'lbcc' => 'b=1024',
	'bhs' => 'b=24',
	'lbhs' => 'b=1024',
	'bcs' => 'b=25',
	'lbcs' => 'b=1025',
	'blo' => 'b=25',
	'lblo' => 'b=1025',
	'bne' => 'b=26',
	'lbne' => 'b=1026',
	'beq' => 'b=27',
	'lbeq' => 'b=1027',
	'bvc' => 'b=28',
	'lbvc' => 'b=1028',
	'bvs' => 'b=29',
	'lbvs' => 'b=1029',
	'bpl' => 'b=2A',
	'lbpl' => 'b=102A',
	'bmi' => 'b=2B',
	'lbmi' => 'b=102B',
	'bge' => 'b=2C',
	'lbge' => 'b=102C',
	'blt' => 'b=2D',
	'lblt' => 'b=102D',
	'bgt' => 'b=2E',
	'lbgt' => 'b=102E',
	'ble' => 'b=2F',
	'lble' => 'b=102F',
	'leax' => 'i=30',
	'leay' => 'i=31',
	'leas' => 'i=32',
	'leau' => 'i=33',
	'pshs' => 'p=34',
	'puls' => 'p=35',
	'pshu' => 'p=36',
	'pulu' => 'p=37',
	'rts' => 'R=39',
	'abx' => 'R=3A',
	'rti' => 'R=3B',
	'cwai' => 'I=3C',
	'mul' => 'R=3D',
	'swi' => 'R=3F',
	'swi2' => 'R=103F',
	'swi3' => 'R=113F',
	'nega' => 'R=40',
	'coma' => 'R=43',
	'lsra' => 'R=44',
	'rora' => 'R=46',
	'asra' => 'R=47',
	'lsla' => 'R=48',
	'rola' => 'R=49',
	'deca' => 'R=4A',
	'inca' => 'R=4C',
	'tsta' => 'R=4D',
	'clra' => 'R=4F',
	'negb' => 'R=50',
	'comb' => 'R=53',
	'lsrb' => 'R=54',
	'rorb' => 'R=56',
	'asrb' => 'R=57',
	'lslb' => 'R=58',
	'rolb' => 'R=59',
	'decb' => 'R=5A',
	'incb' => 'R=5C',
	'tstb' => 'R=5D',
	'clrb' => 'R=5F',
	'suba' => 'I=80,D=90,i=A0,E=B0',
	'cmpa' => 'I=81,D=91,i=A1,E=B1',
	'sbca' => 'I=82,D=92,i=A2,E=B2',
	'subd' => 'I=83,D=93,i=A3,E=B3',
	'cmpd' => 'I=1083,D=1093,i=10A3,E=10B3',
	'cmpu' => 'I=1183,D=1193,i=11A3,E=11B3',
	'anda' => 'I=84,D=94,i=A4,E=B4',
	'bita' => 'I=85,D=95,i=A5,E=B5',
	'lda' => 'I=86,D=96,i=A6,E=B6',
	'sta' => 'D=97,i=A7,E=B7',
	'eora' => 'I=88,D=98,i=A8,E=B8',
	'adca' => 'I=89,D=99,i=A9,E=B9',
	'ora' => 'I=8A,D=9A,i=AA,E=BA',
	'adda' => 'I=8B,D=9B,i=AB,E=BB',
	'cmpx' => 'I=8C,D=9C,i=AC,E=BC',
	'cmpy' => 'I=108C,D=109C,i=10AC,E=10BC',
	'cmps' => 'I=118C,D=119C,i=11AC,E=11BC',
	'bsr' => 'b=8D',
	'jsr' => 'D=9D,i=AD,E=BD',
	'ldx' => 'I=8E,D=9E,i=AE,E=BE',
	'ldy' => 'I=108E,D=109E,i=10AE,E=10BE',
	'stx' => 'D=9F,i=AF,E=BF',
	'sty' => 'D=109F,i=10AF,E=10BF',
	'subb' => 'I=C0,D=D0,i=E0,E=F0',
	'cmpb' => 'I=C1,D=D1,i=E1,E=F1',
	'sbcb' => 'I=C2,D=D2,i=E2,E=F2',
	'addd' => 'I=C3,D=D3,i=E3,E=F3',
	'andb' => 'I=C4,D=D4,i=E4,E=F4',
	'bitb' => 'I=C5,D=D5,i=E5,E=F5',
	'ldb' => 'I=C6,D=D6,i=E6,E=F6',
	'stb' => 'D=D7,i=E7,E=F7',
	'eorb' => 'I=C8,D=D8,i=E8,E=F8',
	'adcb' => 'I=C9,D=D9,i=E9,E=F9',
	'orb' => 'I=CA,D=DA,i=EA,E=FA',
	'addb' => 'I=CB,D=DB,i=EB,E=FB',
	'ldd' => 'I=CC,D=DC,i=EC,E=FC',
	'std' => 'D=DD,i=ED,E=FD',
	'ldu' => 'I=CE,D=DE,i=EE,E=FE',
	'lds' => 'I=10CE,D=10DE,i=10EE,E=10FE',
	'stu' => 'D=DF,i=EF,E=FF',
	'sts' => 'D=10DF,i=10EF,E=10FF'

foreach $i (keys %insnlist)
#	print "$i ... $insnlist{$i}\n";
	@modes = split(/,/, $insnlist{$i});
	foreach $j (@modes)
		($mc, $oc) = split(/=/, $j);
		$operand = '';
		if ($mc eq 'D')
			$operand = '<0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'E')
			$operand = '>0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'I')
			$operand = '#0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'i')
			$operand = ',x';
		elsif ($mc eq 'r')
			$operand = 'a,a';
		elsif ($mc eq 'p')
			$operand = 'cc';
		elsif ($mc eq 'b')
			$operand = '*';
		$asmcode = "\t$i $operand";
		# now feed the asm code to the assembler and fetch the result
		$tf = ".asmtmp.$$.$i.$mc";
		open H, ">$tf.asm";
		print H "$asmcode\n";
		close H;
		$r = `$lwasm --raw --list -o $tf $tf.asm`;
		open H, "<$tf";
		binmode H;
		$buffer = '';
		$r = read(H, $buffer, 10);
		close H;
		unlink $tf;
		unlink "$tf.asm";
		if ($r == 0)
			$st = 'FAIL (no result)';
			@bytes = split(//,$buffer);
			$rc = sprintf('%02X', ord($bytes[0]));
			if (length($oc) > 2)
				$rc .= sprintf('%02X', ord($bytes[1]));
			if ($rc ne $oc)
				$st = "FAIL ($rc ≠ $oc, $asmcode)";
				$st = 'PASS';
		print "$i" . "_$mc $st\n";