view lwasm/pass1.c @ 280:4370370f38d1

Correct CRC problems with DTS pseudo op DTS actually emitted its code during the parse phase. While the code was actually correct, this messed with the OS9 module CRC calculation, probably due to the calculation being in the wrong order. The order of calculations for a CRC do matter.
author William Astle <>
date Tue, 16 Jul 2013 21:46:12 -0600
parents 1409debcb1a0
children 9f7889139b06
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright © 2010 William Astle

This file is part of LWTOOLS.

LWTOOLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <lw_alloc.h>
#include <lw_string.h>

#include "lwasm.h"
#include "instab.h"
#include "input.h"

extern int expand_macro(asmstate_t *as, line_t *l, char **p, char *opc);
extern int expand_struct(asmstate_t *as, line_t *l, char **p, char *opc);
extern int add_macro_line(asmstate_t *as, char *optr);

pass 1: parse the lines

line format:

[<symbol>] <opcode> <operand>[ <comment>]

If <symbol> is followed by a :, whitespace may precede the symbol

A line may optionally start with a number which must not be preceded by
white space and must be followed by a single whitespace character. After
that whitespace character, the line is parsed as if it had no line number.

void do_pass1(asmstate_t *as)
	char *line;
	line_t *cl;
	char *p1;
	int stspace;
	char *tok, *sym = NULL;
	int opnum;
	int lc = 1;
	int nomacro;
	for (;;)
		nomacro = 0;
		if (sym)
		sym = NULL;
		line = input_readline(as);
		if (!line)
		if (line[0] == 1 && line[1] == 1)
			// special internal directive
			// these DO NOT appear in the output anywhere
			// they are generated by the parser to pass information
			// forward
			for (p1 = line + 2; *p1 && !isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;
			*p1++ = '\0';
			if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETCONTEXT"))
				as -> context = strtol(p1, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETLINENO"))
				lc = strtol(p1, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETNOEXPANDSTART"))
				as -> line_tail -> noexpand_start += 1;
			else if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETNOEXPANDEND"))
				as -> line_tail -> noexpand_end += 1;
			if (lc == 0)
				lc = 1;
		debug_message(as, 75, "Read line: %s", line);
		cl = lw_alloc(sizeof(line_t));
		memset(cl, 0, sizeof(line_t));
		cl -> outputl = -1;
		cl -> linespec = lw_strdup(input_curspec(as));
		cl -> prev = as -> line_tail;
		cl -> insn = -1;
		cl -> as = as;
		cl -> inmod = as -> inmod;
		cl -> csect = as -> csect;
		cl -> pragmas = as -> pragmas;
		cl -> context = as -> context;
		cl -> ltext = lw_strdup(line);
		cl -> soff = -1;
		cl -> dshow = -1;
		cl -> dsize = 0;
		cl -> dptr = NULL;
		cl -> isbrpt = 0;
		cl -> dlen = 0;
		as -> cl = cl;
		if (!as -> line_tail)
			as -> line_head = cl;
			cl -> addr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_int, 0);
			cl -> daddr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_int, 0);
			lw_expr_t te;

			cl -> lineno = as -> line_tail -> lineno + 1;
			as -> line_tail -> next = cl;

			// set the line address
			te = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_special, lwasm_expr_linelen, cl -> prev);
			cl -> addr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_oper, lw_expr_oper_plus, cl -> prev -> addr, te);
			lwasm_reduce_expr(as, cl -> addr);
//			lw_expr_simplify(cl -> addr, as);

			// set the data address if relevant
			if (as -> output_format == OUTPUT_OS9)
				te = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_special, lwasm_expr_linedlen, cl -> prev);
				cl -> daddr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_oper, lw_expr_oper_plus, cl -> prev -> daddr, te);
				lwasm_reduce_expr(as, cl -> daddr);
				cl -> daddr = lw_expr_copy(cl -> addr);

			// carry DP value forward
			cl -> dpval = cl -> prev -> dpval;
		if (!lc && strcmp(cl -> linespec, cl -> prev -> linespec))
			lc = 1;
		if (lc)
			cl -> lineno = lc;
			lc = 0;
		as -> line_tail = cl;
		// blank lines don't count for anything
		// except a local symbol context break
		if (!*line)
			as -> context = lwasm_next_context(as);
			goto nextline;
		// skip comments
		// commends do not create a context break
		if (*line == '*' || *line == ';' || *line == '#')
			goto nextline;

		p1 = line;
		if (isdigit(*p1))
			// skip line number
			while (*p1 && isdigit(*p1))
			if (!*p1 && !isspace(*p1))
				p1 = line;
			else if (*p1 && !isspace(*p1))
				p1 = line;
			else if (*p1 && isspace(*p1))

		// blank line - context break
		if (!*p1)
			as -> context = lwasm_next_context(as);
			goto nextline;

		// comment - no context break
		if (*p1 == '*' || *p1 == ';' || *p1 == '#')
			goto nextline;

		if (isspace(*p1))
			for (; *p1 && isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;
			stspace = 1;
			stspace = 0;

//		if (*p1 == '*' || *p1 == ';' || *p1 == '#')
//			goto nextline;
		if (!*p1)
			// nothing but whitespace - context break
			as -> context = lwasm_next_context(as);
			goto nextline;

		// find the end of the first token
		for (tok = p1; *p1 && !isspace(*p1) && *p1 != ':' && *p1 != '='; p1++)
			/* do nothing */ ;
		if (*p1 == ':' || *p1 == '=' || stspace == 0)
			if (*tok == '*' || *tok == ';' || *tok == '#')
				goto nextline;
			// have a symbol here
			sym = lw_strndup(tok, p1 - tok);
			if (*p1 == ':')
			for (; *p1 && isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;
			if (*p1 == '=')
				tok = p1++;
				for (tok = p1; *p1 && !isspace(*p1); p1++)
					/* do nothing */ ;
		if (sym && strcmp(sym, "!") == 0)
			cl -> isbrpt = 1;
		else if (sym)
			cl -> sym = lw_strdup(sym);
		cl -> symset = 0;
		// tok points to the opcode for the line or NUL if none
		// if the first two chars of the opcode are "??", that's
		// a flag to inhibit macro expansion
		if (*tok && tok[0] == '?' && tok[1] == '?')
			nomacro = 1;
			tok += 2;
		if (*tok)
			// look up operation code
			sym = lw_strndup(tok, p1 - tok);
			for (; *p1 && isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;

			for (opnum = 0; instab[opnum].opcode; opnum++)
				if (!strcasecmp(instab[opnum].opcode, sym))
			if ((as -> target != TARGET_6309) && (instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_is6309))
				lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Illegal use of 6309 instruction in 6809 mode (%s)", sym);
			// have to go to linedone here in case there was a symbol
			// to register on this line
			if (instab[opnum].opcode == NULL && (*tok == '*' || *tok == ';' || *tok == '#'))
				goto linedone;
			// p1 points to the start of the operand
			// if we're inside a macro definition and not at ENDM,
			// add the line to the macro definition and continue
			if (as -> inmacro && !(instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_endm))
				add_macro_line(as, line);
				goto linedone;
			// if skipping a condition and the operation code doesn't
			// operate within a condition (not a conditional)
			// do nothing
			if (as -> skipcond && !(instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_cond))
				goto linedone;
        	if (!nomacro && (as -> pragmas & PRAGMA_SHADOW))
        		// check for macros even if they shadow real operations
        		// NOTE: "ENDM" cannot be shadowed
        		if (expand_macro(as, cl, &p1, sym) == 0)
        			// a macro was expanded here
        			goto linedone;
			if (instab[opnum].opcode == NULL)
				cl -> insn = -1;
				if (*tok != ';' && *tok != '*')
					// bad opcode; check for macro here
					// but don't expand it if "nomacro" is in effect
					if (nomacro || expand_macro(as, cl, &p1, sym) != 0)
						// macro expansion failed
						if (expand_struct(as, cl, &p1, sym) != 0)
							// structure expansion failed
							lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad opcode");
				cl -> insn = opnum;
				// no parse func means operand doesn't matter
				if (instab[opnum].parse)
					if (as -> instruct == 0 || instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_struct)
						struct line_expr_s *le;

						cl -> len = -1;
						// call parse function
					debug_message(as, 100, "len = %d, dlen = %d", cl -> len, cl -> dlen);
						(instab[opnum].parse)(as, cl, &p1);
						if ((cl -> inmod == 0) && cl -> len >= 0 && cl -> dlen >= 0)
							if (cl -> len == 0)
								cl -> len = cl -> dlen;
								cl -> dlen = cl -> len;
						if (*p1 && !isspace(*p1) && !(cl -> err))
							// flag bad operand error
							lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad operand (%s)", p1);
						/* do a reduction on the line expressions to avoid carrying excessive expression baggage if not needed */
						as -> cl = cl;
						// simplify address
						lwasm_reduce_expr(as, cl -> addr);
						// simplify each expression
						for (le = cl -> exprs; le; le = le -> next)
							lwasm_reduce_expr(as, le -> expr);
						/* try resolving the instruction as well */
						if (cl -> insn >= 0 && instab[cl -> insn].resolve)
							(instab[cl -> insn].resolve)(as, cl, 0);
							if ((cl -> inmod == 0) && cl -> len >= 0 && cl -> dlen >= 0)
								if (cl -> len == 0)
									cl -> len = cl -> dlen;
									cl -> dlen = cl -> len;

					else if (as -> instruct == 1)
						lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad operand (%s)", p1);
		if (!as -> skipcond && !as -> inmacro)
			if (cl -> sym && cl -> symset == 0)
				debug_message(as, 50, "Register symbol %s: %s", cl -> sym, lw_expr_print(cl -> addr));
				// register symbol at line address
				if (instab[cl -> insn].flags & lwasm_insn_setdata)
					if (!register_symbol(as, cl, cl -> sym, cl -> daddr, symbol_flag_none))
						// symbol error
						// lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol '%s'", cl -> sym);
					if (!register_symbol(as, cl, cl -> sym, cl -> addr, symbol_flag_none))
						// symbol error
						// lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol '%s'", cl -> sym);
			debug_message(as, 40, "Line address: %s", lw_expr_print(cl -> addr));
		if (as -> skipcond || as -> inmacro || cl -> ltext[0] == 1)
			cl -> hideline = 1;
		if (sym)
		sym = NULL;
		if (as -> preprocess && cl -> hideline == 0)
			printf("%s\n", cl -> ltext);
		// if we've hit the "end" bit, finish out
		if (as -> endseen)