view test/tests/ @ 325:6821f4855702

Fix bug with section padding and downward allocation. When placing sections with the "high" method, padding was added to the section instance at the lowest address insted of the highest as is appropriate for the padafter option. Explicitly handle the padding for the first instance encountered (highest address) when growing down.
author William Astle <>
date Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:49:23 -0600
parents 5e7f8e1ac99f
children 3cd8aa013b88
line wrap: on
line source

# these tests determine if the opcodes for each instruction, in each
# addressing mode, are correct.
# The following list is used to construct the tests. The key is the
# mneumonic and the value is a list of address mode characters as follows
# R: register/inherent
# I: immediate
# E: extended
# D: direct
# i: indexed
# r: register to register (TFR, etc.)
# p: psh/pul
# each letter is followed by an = and the 2 or 4 digit opcode in hex
# each entry is separated by a comma

$lwasm = './lwasm/lwasm';

%insnlist = (
	'neg' => 'D=00,E=70,i=60',
	'com' => 'D=03,E=73,i=63',
	'lsr' => 'D=04,E=74,i=64',
	'ror' => 'D=06,E=76,i=66',
	'asr' => 'D=07,E=77,i=67',
	'lsl' => 'D=08,E=78,i=68',
	'rol' => 'D=09,E=79,i=69',
	'dec' => 'D=0A,E=7A,i=6A',
	'inc' => 'D=0C,E=7C,i=6C',
	'tst' => 'D=0D,E=7D,i=6D',
	'jmp' => 'D=0E,E=7E,i=6E',
	'clr' => 'D=0F,E=7F,i=6F',
	'nop' => 'R=12',
	'sync' => 'R=13',
	'lbra' => 'b=16',
	'lbsr' => 'b=17',
	'daa' => 'R=19',
	'orcc' => 'I=1A',
	'andcc' => 'I=1C',
	'sex' => 'R=1D',
	'exg' => 'r=1E',
	'tfr' => 'r=1F',
	'bra' => 'b=20',
	'brn' => 'b=21',
	'lbrn' => 'b=1021',
	'bhi' => 'b=22',
	'lbhi' => 'b=1022',
	'bls' => 'b=23',
	'lbls' => 'b=1023',
	'bcc' => 'b=24',
	'lbcc' => 'b=1024',
	'bhs' => 'b=24',
	'lbhs' => 'b=1024',
	'bcs' => 'b=25',
	'lbcs' => 'b=1025',
	'blo' => 'b=25',
	'lblo' => 'b=1025',
	'bne' => 'b=26',
	'lbne' => 'b=1026',
	'beq' => 'b=27',
	'lbeq' => 'b=1027',
	'bvc' => 'b=28',
	'lbvc' => 'b=1028',
	'bvs' => 'b=29',
	'lbvs' => 'b=1029',
	'bpl' => 'b=2A',
	'lbpl' => 'b=102A',
	'bmi' => 'b=2B',
	'lbmi' => 'b=102B',
	'bge' => 'b=2C',
	'lbge' => 'b=102C',
	'blt' => 'b=2D',
	'lblt' => 'b=102D',
	'bgt' => 'b=2E',
	'lbgt' => 'b=102E',
	'ble' => 'b=2F',
	'lble' => 'b=102F',
	'leax' => 'i=30',
	'leay' => 'i=31',
	'leas' => 'i=32',
	'leau' => 'i=33',
	'pshs' => 'p=34',
	'puls' => 'p=35',
	'pshu' => 'p=36',
	'pulu' => 'p=37',
	'rts' => 'R=39',
	'abx' => 'R=3A',
	'rti' => 'R=3B',
	'cwai' => 'I=3C',
	'mul' => 'R=3D',
	'swi' => 'R=3F',
	'swi2' => 'R=103F',
	'swi3' => 'R=113F',
	'nega' => 'R=40',
	'coma' => 'R=43',
	'lsra' => 'R=44',
	'rora' => 'R=46',
	'asra' => 'R=47',
	'lsla' => 'R=48',
	'rola' => 'R=49',
	'deca' => 'R=4A',
	'inca' => 'R=4C',
	'tsta' => 'R=4D',
	'clra' => 'R=4F',
	'negb' => 'R=50',
	'comb' => 'R=53',
	'lsrb' => 'R=54',
	'rorb' => 'R=56',
	'asrb' => 'R=57',
	'lslb' => 'R=58',
	'rolb' => 'R=59',
	'decb' => 'R=5A',
	'incb' => 'R=5C',
	'tstb' => 'R=5D',
	'clrb' => 'R=5F',
	'suba' => 'I=80,D=90,i=A0,E=B0',
	'cmpa' => 'I=81,D=91,i=A1,E=B1',
	'sbca' => 'I=82,D=92,i=A2,E=B2',
	'subd' => 'I=83,D=93,i=A3,E=B3',
	'cmpd' => 'I=1083,D=1093,i=10A3,E=10B3',
	'cmpu' => 'I=1183,D=1193,i=11A3,E=11B3',
	'anda' => 'I=84,D=94,i=A4,E=B4',
	'bita' => 'I=85,D=95,i=A5,E=B5',
	'lda' => 'I=86,D=96,i=A6,E=B6',
	'sta' => 'D=97,i=A7,E=B7',
	'eora' => 'I=88,D=98,i=A8,E=B8',
	'adca' => 'I=89,D=99,i=A9,E=B9',
	'ora' => 'I=8A,D=9A,i=AA,E=BA',
	'adda' => 'I=8B,D=9B,i=AB,E=BB',
	'cmpx' => 'I=8C,D=9C,i=AC,E=BC',
	'cmpy' => 'I=108C,D=109C,i=10AC,E=10BC',
	'cmps' => 'I=118C,D=119C,i=11AC,E=11BC',
	'bsr' => 'b=8D',
	'jsr' => 'D=9D,i=AD,E=BD',
	'ldx' => 'I=8E,D=9E,i=AE,E=BE',
	'ldy' => 'I=108E,D=109E,i=10AE,E=10BE',
	'stx' => 'D=9F,i=AF,E=BF',
	'sty' => 'D=109F,i=10AF,E=10BF',
	'subb' => 'I=C0,D=D0,i=E0,E=F0',
	'cmpb' => 'I=C1,D=D1,i=E1,E=F1',
	'sbcb' => 'I=C2,D=D2,i=E2,E=F2',
	'addd' => 'I=C3,D=D3,i=E3,E=F3',
	'andb' => 'I=C4,D=D4,i=E4,E=F4',
	'bitb' => 'I=C5,D=D5,i=E5,E=F5',
	'ldb' => 'I=C6,D=D6,i=E6,E=F6',
	'stb' => 'D=D7,i=E7,E=F7',
	'eorb' => 'I=C8,D=D8,i=E8,E=F8',
	'adcb' => 'I=C9,D=D9,i=E9,E=F9',
	'orb' => 'I=CA,D=DA,i=EA,E=FA',
	'addb' => 'I=CB,D=DB,i=EB,E=FB',
	'ldd' => 'I=CC,D=DC,i=EC,E=FC',
	'std' => 'D=DD,i=ED,E=FD',
	'ldu' => 'I=CE,D=DE,i=EE,E=FE',
	'lds' => 'I=10CE,D=10DE,i=10EE,E=10FE',
	'stu' => 'D=DF,i=EF,E=FF',
	'sts' => 'D=10DF,i=10EF,E=10FF'

foreach $i (keys %insnlist)
#	print "$i ... $insnlist{$i}\n";
	@modes = split(/,/, $insnlist{$i});
	foreach $j (@modes)
		($mc, $oc) = split(/=/, $j);
		$operand = '';
		if ($mc eq 'D')
			$operand = '<0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'E')
			$operand = '>0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'I')
			$operand = '#0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'i')
			$operand = ',x';
		elsif ($mc eq 'r')
			$operand = 'a,a';
		elsif ($mc eq 'p')
			$operand = 'cc';
		elsif ($mc eq 'b')
			$operand = '*';
		$asmcode = "\t$i $operand";
		# now feed the asm code to the assembler and fetch the result
		$tf = ".asmtmp.$$.$i.$mc";
		open H, ">$tf.asm";
		print H "$asmcode\n";
		close H;
		$r = `$lwasm --raw --list -o $tf $tf.asm`;
		open H, "<$tf";
		binmode H;
		$buffer = '';
		$r = read(H, $buffer, 10);
		close H;
		unlink $tf;
		unlink "$tf.asm";
		if ($r == 0)
			$st = 'FAIL (no result)';
			@bytes = split(//,$buffer);
			$rc = sprintf('%02X', ord($bytes[0]));
			if (length($oc) > 2)
				$rc .= sprintf('%02X', ord($bytes[1]));
			if ($rc ne $oc)
				$st = "FAIL ($rc ≠ $oc, $asmcode)";
				$st = 'PASS';
		print "$i" . "_$mc $st\n";