view lwasm/pragma.c @ 473:8181ddd707f1

Add "nooutput" pragma Add the "nooutput" pragma which causes assembly to proceed as normal for code with the exception that no output is generated for any instructions under this pragma. The current address is increased as usual and the symbol table is still constructed. However, no actual output is generated for lines operating under this pragma.
author William Astle <>
date Thu, 01 Nov 2018 23:07:03 -0600
parents e97f9a302c6a
children 74d0c394666e
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright © 2010 William Astle

This file is part of LWTOOLS.

LWTOOLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.

#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include <lw_string.h>
#include <lw_alloc.h>

#include "lwasm.h"
#include "instab.h"
#include "input.h"

struct pragma_list
	const char *setstr;
	const char *resetstr;
	int flag;

struct pragma_stack_entry
	int magic;	// must always be at the start of any input stack entry
	int flag;	// the pragma flag bit
	char str[1];	// magic number - this will be allocated bigger
			// string will be what's needed to re-instate a pragma

static const struct pragma_list set_pragmas[] =
	{ "dollarnotlocal", "nodollarnotlocal", PRAGMA_DOLLARNOTLOCAL },
	{ "nodollarlocal", "dollarlocal", PRAGMA_DOLLARNOTLOCAL },
	{ "noindex0tonone", "index0tonone", PRAGMA_NOINDEX0TONONE },
	{ "undefextern", "noundefextern", PRAGMA_UNDEFEXTERN },
	{ "cescapes", "nocescapes", PRAGMA_CESCAPES },
	{ "importundefexport", "noimportundefexport", PRAGMA_IMPORTUNDEFEXPORT },
	{ "pcaspcr", "nopcaspcr", PRAGMA_PCASPCR },
	{ "shadow", "noshadow", PRAGMA_SHADOW },
	{ "nolist", "list", PRAGMA_NOLIST },
	{ "autobranchlength", "noautobranchlength", PRAGMA_AUTOBRANCHLENGTH },
	{ "export", "noexport", PRAGMA_EXPORT },
	{ "symbolnocase", "nosymbolnocase", PRAGMA_SYMBOLNOCASE },
	{ "nosymbolcase", "symbolcase", PRAGMA_SYMBOLNOCASE },
	{ "condundefzero", "nocondundefzero", PRAGMA_CONDUNDEFZERO },
	{ "6809", "6309", PRAGMA_6809 },
	{ "6800compat", "no6800compat", PRAGMA_6800COMPAT },
	{ "forwardrefmax", "noforwardrefmax", PRAGMA_FORWARDREFMAX },
	{ "testmode", "notestmode", PRAGMA_TESTMODE },
	{ "c", "noc", PRAGMA_C },
	{ "cc", "nocc", PRAGMA_CC },
	{ "cd", "nocd", PRAGMA_CD },
	{ "ct", "noct", PRAGMA_CT },
	{ "qrts", "noqrts", PRAGMA_QRTS },
	{ "m80ext", "nom80ext", PRAGMA_M80EXT },
	{ "6809conv", "no6809conv", PRAGMA_6809CONV },
	{ "6309conv", "no6309conv", PRAGMA_6309CONV },
	{ "newsource", "nonewsource", PRAGMA_NEWSOURCE },
	{ "nooldsource", "oldsource", PRAGMA_NEWSOURCE },
	{ "operandsizewarning", "nooperandsizewarning", PRAGMA_OPERANDSIZE },
	{ "emuext", "noemuext", PRAGMA_EMUEXT },
	{ "nooutput", "output", PRAGMA_NOOUTPUT },
	{ 0, 0, 0 }

int parse_pragma_helper(char *p)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; set_pragmas[i].setstr; i++)
		if (!strcasecmp(p, set_pragmas[i].setstr))
			return set_pragmas[i].flag;
			return 1;
		if (!strcasecmp(p, set_pragmas[i].resetstr))
			return set_pragmas[i].flag | PRAGMA_CLEARBIT;
			return 2;

	return 0;

int parse_pragma_string(asmstate_t *as, char *str, int ignoreerr)
	char *p;
	const char *np = str;
	int pragma;

	while (np)
		p = lw_token(np, ',', &np);
		debug_message(as, 200, "Setting/resetting pragma %s", p);
		pragma = parse_pragma_helper(p);
		debug_message(as, 200, "Got pragma code %08X", pragma);

		if (pragma == 0 && !ignoreerr)
			return 0;

		if (pragma & PRAGMA_CLEARBIT)
			as->pragmas &= ~pragma;
			as->pragmas |= pragma;
		debug_message(as, 200, "New pragma state: %08X", as -> pragmas);
	return 1;

	char *ps, *t;
	for (t = *p; *t && !isspace(*t); t++)
		/* do nothing */ ;
	ps = lw_strndup(*p, t - *p);
	*p = t;
	l -> len = 0;

	if (parse_pragma_string(as, ps, 0) == 0)
		lwasm_register_error(as, l, E_PRAGMA_UNRECOGNIZED);
	if (as -> pragmas & PRAGMA_NOLIST)
		l -> pragmas |= PRAGMA_NOLIST;
	if (as->pragmas & PRAGMA_CC)
		l->pragmas |= PRAGMA_CC;
		as->pragmas &= ~PRAGMA_CC;

	char *ps, *t;

	for (t = *p; *t && !isspace(*t); t++)
		/* do nothing */ ;
	ps = lw_strndup(*p, t - *p);
	*p = t;

	l -> len = 0;
	// *pragma must NEVER throw an error
	parse_pragma_string(as, ps, 1);
	if (as -> pragmas & PRAGMA_NOLIST)
		l -> pragmas |= PRAGMA_NOLIST;
	if (as->pragmas & PRAGMA_CC)
		l->pragmas |= PRAGMA_CC;
		as->pragmas &= ~PRAGMA_CC;

static int pragma_stack_compare(input_stack_entry *e, void *d)
	int flag = *((int *)d);
	struct pragma_stack_entry *pse = (struct pragma_stack_entry *)e;

	if (pse -> flag == flag)
		return 1;
	return 0;

	char *ps, *t;
	char *pp;
	int i;
	const char *np;
	struct pragma_stack_entry *pse;
	for (t = *p; *t && !isspace(*t); t++)
		/* do nothing */ ;
	ps = lw_strndup(*p, t - *p);
	*p = t;
	l -> len = 0;
	// *pragma stuff must never throw an error
	np = ps;

	while (np)
		pp = lw_token(np, ',', &np);
		for (i = 0; set_pragmas[i].setstr; i++)
			if (!strcasecmp(pp, set_pragmas[i].setstr) || !strcasecmp(pp, set_pragmas[i].resetstr))
				pse = (struct pragma_stack_entry *)input_stack_pop(as, 0x42424242, pragma_stack_compare, (void *)&(set_pragmas[i].flag));
				if (pse)
					debug_message(as, 100, "Popped pragma string %s", pse->str);
					parse_pragma_string(as, (char *)&(pse->str), 1);
				if (set_pragmas[i].flag == PRAGMA_NOLIST)
					l -> pragmas |= PRAGMA_NOLIST;


	char *ps, *t;
	char *pp;
	int i;
	const char *np;
	struct pragma_stack_entry *pse;
	for (t = *p; *t && !isspace(*t); t++)
		/* do nothing */ ;
	ps = lw_strndup(*p, t - *p);
	*p = t;
	l -> len = 0;
	// *pragma stuff must never throw an error
	np = ps;

	while (np)
		pp = lw_token(np, ',', &np);
		for (i = 0; set_pragmas[i].setstr; i++)
			if (!strcasecmp(pp, set_pragmas[i].setstr) || !strcasecmp(pp, set_pragmas[i].resetstr))
				/* found set or reset pragma */
				/* push pragma state */
				if (as -> pragmas & (set_pragmas[i].flag))
					/* use set string */
					t = (char *)set_pragmas[i].setstr;
					/* use reset string */
					t = (char *)set_pragmas[i].resetstr;
				pse = lw_alloc(sizeof(struct pragma_stack_entry) + strlen(t));
				pse -> flag = set_pragmas[i].flag;
				pse -> magic = 0x42424242;
				strcpy((char *)&(pse -> str), t);
				debug_message(as, 100, "Pushed pragma string %s", pse->str);

				input_stack_push(as, (input_stack_entry *)pse);
				if (set_pragmas[i].flag == PRAGMA_NOLIST)
					l -> pragmas |= PRAGMA_NOLIST;
