view lwasm/pass1.c @ 290:c648fc4bd006 ccdev

Updated lwcc README with info on the runtime support files Added description of -B and the runtime support files required for the lwcc program.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 08 Sep 2013 16:55:59 -0600
parents 1409debcb1a0
children 9f7889139b06
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright © 2010 William Astle

This file is part of LWTOOLS.

LWTOOLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <lw_alloc.h>
#include <lw_string.h>

#include "lwasm.h"
#include "instab.h"
#include "input.h"

extern int expand_macro(asmstate_t *as, line_t *l, char **p, char *opc);
extern int expand_struct(asmstate_t *as, line_t *l, char **p, char *opc);
extern int add_macro_line(asmstate_t *as, char *optr);

pass 1: parse the lines

line format:

[<symbol>] <opcode> <operand>[ <comment>]

If <symbol> is followed by a :, whitespace may precede the symbol

A line may optionally start with a number which must not be preceded by
white space and must be followed by a single whitespace character. After
that whitespace character, the line is parsed as if it had no line number.

void do_pass1(asmstate_t *as)
	char *line;
	line_t *cl;
	char *p1;
	int stspace;
	char *tok, *sym = NULL;
	int opnum;
	int lc = 1;
	int nomacro;
	for (;;)
		nomacro = 0;
		if (sym)
		sym = NULL;
		line = input_readline(as);
		if (!line)
		if (line[0] == 1 && line[1] == 1)
			// special internal directive
			// these DO NOT appear in the output anywhere
			// they are generated by the parser to pass information
			// forward
			for (p1 = line + 2; *p1 && !isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;
			*p1++ = '\0';
			if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETCONTEXT"))
				as -> context = strtol(p1, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETLINENO"))
				lc = strtol(p1, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETNOEXPANDSTART"))
				as -> line_tail -> noexpand_start += 1;
			else if (!strcmp(line + 2, "SETNOEXPANDEND"))
				as -> line_tail -> noexpand_end += 1;
			if (lc == 0)
				lc = 1;
		debug_message(as, 75, "Read line: %s", line);
		cl = lw_alloc(sizeof(line_t));
		memset(cl, 0, sizeof(line_t));
		cl -> outputl = -1;
		cl -> linespec = lw_strdup(input_curspec(as));
		cl -> prev = as -> line_tail;
		cl -> insn = -1;
		cl -> as = as;
		cl -> inmod = as -> inmod;
		cl -> csect = as -> csect;
		cl -> pragmas = as -> pragmas;
		cl -> context = as -> context;
		cl -> ltext = lw_strdup(line);
		cl -> soff = -1;
		cl -> dshow = -1;
		cl -> dsize = 0;
		cl -> dptr = NULL;
		cl -> isbrpt = 0;
		cl -> dlen = 0;
		as -> cl = cl;
		if (!as -> line_tail)
			as -> line_head = cl;
			cl -> addr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_int, 0);
			cl -> daddr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_int, 0);
			lw_expr_t te;

			cl -> lineno = as -> line_tail -> lineno + 1;
			as -> line_tail -> next = cl;

			// set the line address
			te = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_special, lwasm_expr_linelen, cl -> prev);
			cl -> addr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_oper, lw_expr_oper_plus, cl -> prev -> addr, te);
			lwasm_reduce_expr(as, cl -> addr);
//			lw_expr_simplify(cl -> addr, as);

			// set the data address if relevant
			if (as -> output_format == OUTPUT_OS9)
				te = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_special, lwasm_expr_linedlen, cl -> prev);
				cl -> daddr = lw_expr_build(lw_expr_type_oper, lw_expr_oper_plus, cl -> prev -> daddr, te);
				lwasm_reduce_expr(as, cl -> daddr);
				cl -> daddr = lw_expr_copy(cl -> addr);

			// carry DP value forward
			cl -> dpval = cl -> prev -> dpval;
		if (!lc && strcmp(cl -> linespec, cl -> prev -> linespec))
			lc = 1;
		if (lc)
			cl -> lineno = lc;
			lc = 0;
		as -> line_tail = cl;
		// blank lines don't count for anything
		// except a local symbol context break
		if (!*line)
			as -> context = lwasm_next_context(as);
			goto nextline;
		// skip comments
		// commends do not create a context break
		if (*line == '*' || *line == ';' || *line == '#')
			goto nextline;

		p1 = line;
		if (isdigit(*p1))
			// skip line number
			while (*p1 && isdigit(*p1))
			if (!*p1 && !isspace(*p1))
				p1 = line;
			else if (*p1 && !isspace(*p1))
				p1 = line;
			else if (*p1 && isspace(*p1))

		// blank line - context break
		if (!*p1)
			as -> context = lwasm_next_context(as);
			goto nextline;

		// comment - no context break
		if (*p1 == '*' || *p1 == ';' || *p1 == '#')
			goto nextline;

		if (isspace(*p1))
			for (; *p1 && isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;
			stspace = 1;
			stspace = 0;

//		if (*p1 == '*' || *p1 == ';' || *p1 == '#')
//			goto nextline;
		if (!*p1)
			// nothing but whitespace - context break
			as -> context = lwasm_next_context(as);
			goto nextline;

		// find the end of the first token
		for (tok = p1; *p1 && !isspace(*p1) && *p1 != ':' && *p1 != '='; p1++)
			/* do nothing */ ;
		if (*p1 == ':' || *p1 == '=' || stspace == 0)
			if (*tok == '*' || *tok == ';' || *tok == '#')
				goto nextline;
			// have a symbol here
			sym = lw_strndup(tok, p1 - tok);
			if (*p1 == ':')
			for (; *p1 && isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;
			if (*p1 == '=')
				tok = p1++;
				for (tok = p1; *p1 && !isspace(*p1); p1++)
					/* do nothing */ ;
		if (sym && strcmp(sym, "!") == 0)
			cl -> isbrpt = 1;
		else if (sym)
			cl -> sym = lw_strdup(sym);
		cl -> symset = 0;
		// tok points to the opcode for the line or NUL if none
		// if the first two chars of the opcode are "??", that's
		// a flag to inhibit macro expansion
		if (*tok && tok[0] == '?' && tok[1] == '?')
			nomacro = 1;
			tok += 2;
		if (*tok)
			// look up operation code
			sym = lw_strndup(tok, p1 - tok);
			for (; *p1 && isspace(*p1); p1++)
				/* do nothing */ ;

			for (opnum = 0; instab[opnum].opcode; opnum++)
				if (!strcasecmp(instab[opnum].opcode, sym))
			if ((as -> target != TARGET_6309) && (instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_is6309))
				lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Illegal use of 6309 instruction in 6809 mode (%s)", sym);
			// have to go to linedone here in case there was a symbol
			// to register on this line
			if (instab[opnum].opcode == NULL && (*tok == '*' || *tok == ';' || *tok == '#'))
				goto linedone;
			// p1 points to the start of the operand
			// if we're inside a macro definition and not at ENDM,
			// add the line to the macro definition and continue
			if (as -> inmacro && !(instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_endm))
				add_macro_line(as, line);
				goto linedone;
			// if skipping a condition and the operation code doesn't
			// operate within a condition (not a conditional)
			// do nothing
			if (as -> skipcond && !(instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_cond))
				goto linedone;
        	if (!nomacro && (as -> pragmas & PRAGMA_SHADOW))
        		// check for macros even if they shadow real operations
        		// NOTE: "ENDM" cannot be shadowed
        		if (expand_macro(as, cl, &p1, sym) == 0)
        			// a macro was expanded here
        			goto linedone;
			if (instab[opnum].opcode == NULL)
				cl -> insn = -1;
				if (*tok != ';' && *tok != '*')
					// bad opcode; check for macro here
					// but don't expand it if "nomacro" is in effect
					if (nomacro || expand_macro(as, cl, &p1, sym) != 0)
						// macro expansion failed
						if (expand_struct(as, cl, &p1, sym) != 0)
							// structure expansion failed
							lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad opcode");
				cl -> insn = opnum;
				// no parse func means operand doesn't matter
				if (instab[opnum].parse)
					if (as -> instruct == 0 || instab[opnum].flags & lwasm_insn_struct)
						struct line_expr_s *le;

						cl -> len = -1;
						// call parse function
					debug_message(as, 100, "len = %d, dlen = %d", cl -> len, cl -> dlen);
						(instab[opnum].parse)(as, cl, &p1);
						if ((cl -> inmod == 0) && cl -> len >= 0 && cl -> dlen >= 0)
							if (cl -> len == 0)
								cl -> len = cl -> dlen;
								cl -> dlen = cl -> len;
						if (*p1 && !isspace(*p1) && !(cl -> err))
							// flag bad operand error
							lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad operand (%s)", p1);
						/* do a reduction on the line expressions to avoid carrying excessive expression baggage if not needed */
						as -> cl = cl;
						// simplify address
						lwasm_reduce_expr(as, cl -> addr);
						// simplify each expression
						for (le = cl -> exprs; le; le = le -> next)
							lwasm_reduce_expr(as, le -> expr);
						/* try resolving the instruction as well */
						if (cl -> insn >= 0 && instab[cl -> insn].resolve)
							(instab[cl -> insn].resolve)(as, cl, 0);
							if ((cl -> inmod == 0) && cl -> len >= 0 && cl -> dlen >= 0)
								if (cl -> len == 0)
									cl -> len = cl -> dlen;
									cl -> dlen = cl -> len;

					else if (as -> instruct == 1)
						lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad operand (%s)", p1);
		if (!as -> skipcond && !as -> inmacro)
			if (cl -> sym && cl -> symset == 0)
				debug_message(as, 50, "Register symbol %s: %s", cl -> sym, lw_expr_print(cl -> addr));
				// register symbol at line address
				if (instab[cl -> insn].flags & lwasm_insn_setdata)
					if (!register_symbol(as, cl, cl -> sym, cl -> daddr, symbol_flag_none))
						// symbol error
						// lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol '%s'", cl -> sym);
					if (!register_symbol(as, cl, cl -> sym, cl -> addr, symbol_flag_none))
						// symbol error
						// lwasm_register_error(as, cl, "Bad symbol '%s'", cl -> sym);
			debug_message(as, 40, "Line address: %s", lw_expr_print(cl -> addr));
		if (as -> skipcond || as -> inmacro || cl -> ltext[0] == 1)
			cl -> hideline = 1;
		if (sym)
		sym = NULL;
		if (as -> preprocess && cl -> hideline == 0)
			printf("%s\n", cl -> ltext);
		// if we've hit the "end" bit, finish out
		if (as -> endseen)