view test/tests/ @ 417:d7b7004b0883

Update gcc6809 patch to fix an ICE. Add new gcc6809 patch with a fix to an internal compiler error reported by Tormod Volden. It seems whoever created the offending instruction patterns didn't fully understand the instruction contraints system and likely got away with it due to characteristics of the instruction generator in previous versions of gcc. Alas, it causes problems now so unless someone has a brilliant idea how to make it work, addhi_mem_1 and addhi_mem_minus1 have to go. Fortunately, the compiler is smart enough to use an alternate strategy all on its own.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 27 Mar 2016 21:46:18 -0600
parents 5e7f8e1ac99f
children 3cd8aa013b88
line wrap: on
line source

# these tests determine if the opcodes for each instruction, in each
# addressing mode, are correct.
# The following list is used to construct the tests. The key is the
# mneumonic and the value is a list of address mode characters as follows
# R: register/inherent
# I: immediate
# E: extended
# D: direct
# i: indexed
# r: register to register (TFR, etc.)
# p: psh/pul
# each letter is followed by an = and the 2 or 4 digit opcode in hex
# each entry is separated by a comma

$lwasm = './lwasm/lwasm';

%insnlist = (
	'neg' => 'D=00,E=70,i=60',
	'com' => 'D=03,E=73,i=63',
	'lsr' => 'D=04,E=74,i=64',
	'ror' => 'D=06,E=76,i=66',
	'asr' => 'D=07,E=77,i=67',
	'lsl' => 'D=08,E=78,i=68',
	'rol' => 'D=09,E=79,i=69',
	'dec' => 'D=0A,E=7A,i=6A',
	'inc' => 'D=0C,E=7C,i=6C',
	'tst' => 'D=0D,E=7D,i=6D',
	'jmp' => 'D=0E,E=7E,i=6E',
	'clr' => 'D=0F,E=7F,i=6F',
	'nop' => 'R=12',
	'sync' => 'R=13',
	'lbra' => 'b=16',
	'lbsr' => 'b=17',
	'daa' => 'R=19',
	'orcc' => 'I=1A',
	'andcc' => 'I=1C',
	'sex' => 'R=1D',
	'exg' => 'r=1E',
	'tfr' => 'r=1F',
	'bra' => 'b=20',
	'brn' => 'b=21',
	'lbrn' => 'b=1021',
	'bhi' => 'b=22',
	'lbhi' => 'b=1022',
	'bls' => 'b=23',
	'lbls' => 'b=1023',
	'bcc' => 'b=24',
	'lbcc' => 'b=1024',
	'bhs' => 'b=24',
	'lbhs' => 'b=1024',
	'bcs' => 'b=25',
	'lbcs' => 'b=1025',
	'blo' => 'b=25',
	'lblo' => 'b=1025',
	'bne' => 'b=26',
	'lbne' => 'b=1026',
	'beq' => 'b=27',
	'lbeq' => 'b=1027',
	'bvc' => 'b=28',
	'lbvc' => 'b=1028',
	'bvs' => 'b=29',
	'lbvs' => 'b=1029',
	'bpl' => 'b=2A',
	'lbpl' => 'b=102A',
	'bmi' => 'b=2B',
	'lbmi' => 'b=102B',
	'bge' => 'b=2C',
	'lbge' => 'b=102C',
	'blt' => 'b=2D',
	'lblt' => 'b=102D',
	'bgt' => 'b=2E',
	'lbgt' => 'b=102E',
	'ble' => 'b=2F',
	'lble' => 'b=102F',
	'leax' => 'i=30',
	'leay' => 'i=31',
	'leas' => 'i=32',
	'leau' => 'i=33',
	'pshs' => 'p=34',
	'puls' => 'p=35',
	'pshu' => 'p=36',
	'pulu' => 'p=37',
	'rts' => 'R=39',
	'abx' => 'R=3A',
	'rti' => 'R=3B',
	'cwai' => 'I=3C',
	'mul' => 'R=3D',
	'swi' => 'R=3F',
	'swi2' => 'R=103F',
	'swi3' => 'R=113F',
	'nega' => 'R=40',
	'coma' => 'R=43',
	'lsra' => 'R=44',
	'rora' => 'R=46',
	'asra' => 'R=47',
	'lsla' => 'R=48',
	'rola' => 'R=49',
	'deca' => 'R=4A',
	'inca' => 'R=4C',
	'tsta' => 'R=4D',
	'clra' => 'R=4F',
	'negb' => 'R=50',
	'comb' => 'R=53',
	'lsrb' => 'R=54',
	'rorb' => 'R=56',
	'asrb' => 'R=57',
	'lslb' => 'R=58',
	'rolb' => 'R=59',
	'decb' => 'R=5A',
	'incb' => 'R=5C',
	'tstb' => 'R=5D',
	'clrb' => 'R=5F',
	'suba' => 'I=80,D=90,i=A0,E=B0',
	'cmpa' => 'I=81,D=91,i=A1,E=B1',
	'sbca' => 'I=82,D=92,i=A2,E=B2',
	'subd' => 'I=83,D=93,i=A3,E=B3',
	'cmpd' => 'I=1083,D=1093,i=10A3,E=10B3',
	'cmpu' => 'I=1183,D=1193,i=11A3,E=11B3',
	'anda' => 'I=84,D=94,i=A4,E=B4',
	'bita' => 'I=85,D=95,i=A5,E=B5',
	'lda' => 'I=86,D=96,i=A6,E=B6',
	'sta' => 'D=97,i=A7,E=B7',
	'eora' => 'I=88,D=98,i=A8,E=B8',
	'adca' => 'I=89,D=99,i=A9,E=B9',
	'ora' => 'I=8A,D=9A,i=AA,E=BA',
	'adda' => 'I=8B,D=9B,i=AB,E=BB',
	'cmpx' => 'I=8C,D=9C,i=AC,E=BC',
	'cmpy' => 'I=108C,D=109C,i=10AC,E=10BC',
	'cmps' => 'I=118C,D=119C,i=11AC,E=11BC',
	'bsr' => 'b=8D',
	'jsr' => 'D=9D,i=AD,E=BD',
	'ldx' => 'I=8E,D=9E,i=AE,E=BE',
	'ldy' => 'I=108E,D=109E,i=10AE,E=10BE',
	'stx' => 'D=9F,i=AF,E=BF',
	'sty' => 'D=109F,i=10AF,E=10BF',
	'subb' => 'I=C0,D=D0,i=E0,E=F0',
	'cmpb' => 'I=C1,D=D1,i=E1,E=F1',
	'sbcb' => 'I=C2,D=D2,i=E2,E=F2',
	'addd' => 'I=C3,D=D3,i=E3,E=F3',
	'andb' => 'I=C4,D=D4,i=E4,E=F4',
	'bitb' => 'I=C5,D=D5,i=E5,E=F5',
	'ldb' => 'I=C6,D=D6,i=E6,E=F6',
	'stb' => 'D=D7,i=E7,E=F7',
	'eorb' => 'I=C8,D=D8,i=E8,E=F8',
	'adcb' => 'I=C9,D=D9,i=E9,E=F9',
	'orb' => 'I=CA,D=DA,i=EA,E=FA',
	'addb' => 'I=CB,D=DB,i=EB,E=FB',
	'ldd' => 'I=CC,D=DC,i=EC,E=FC',
	'std' => 'D=DD,i=ED,E=FD',
	'ldu' => 'I=CE,D=DE,i=EE,E=FE',
	'lds' => 'I=10CE,D=10DE,i=10EE,E=10FE',
	'stu' => 'D=DF,i=EF,E=FF',
	'sts' => 'D=10DF,i=10EF,E=10FF'

foreach $i (keys %insnlist)
#	print "$i ... $insnlist{$i}\n";
	@modes = split(/,/, $insnlist{$i});
	foreach $j (@modes)
		($mc, $oc) = split(/=/, $j);
		$operand = '';
		if ($mc eq 'D')
			$operand = '<0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'E')
			$operand = '>0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'I')
			$operand = '#0';
		elsif ($mc eq 'i')
			$operand = ',x';
		elsif ($mc eq 'r')
			$operand = 'a,a';
		elsif ($mc eq 'p')
			$operand = 'cc';
		elsif ($mc eq 'b')
			$operand = '*';
		$asmcode = "\t$i $operand";
		# now feed the asm code to the assembler and fetch the result
		$tf = ".asmtmp.$$.$i.$mc";
		open H, ">$tf.asm";
		print H "$asmcode\n";
		close H;
		$r = `$lwasm --raw --list -o $tf $tf.asm`;
		open H, "<$tf";
		binmode H;
		$buffer = '';
		$r = read(H, $buffer, 10);
		close H;
		unlink $tf;
		unlink "$tf.asm";
		if ($r == 0)
			$st = 'FAIL (no result)';
			@bytes = split(//,$buffer);
			$rc = sprintf('%02X', ord($bytes[0]));
			if (length($oc) > 2)
				$rc .= sprintf('%02X', ord($bytes[1]));
			if ($rc ne $oc)
				$st = "FAIL ($rc ≠ $oc, $asmcode)";
				$st = 'PASS';
		print "$i" . "_$mc $st\n";