view lwasm/lwasm.h @ 577:e49d24f4a9a5

Correct bug in the object file output code leading to stack corruption It turns out leaving a pointer to a stack allocated temporary in a persistent data structure is not conducive to correct program operation. Undo the export check setup in the object file output sequence so a pointer to stack allocated memory is not left hanging when the function returns. This seems to correct at least one mysterious crash bug, and possibly others. Thanks to Boisy Pitre for reporting the crash bug that led to this discovery, as well as a previous crash bug that likely has the same root cause. Additional thanks to Ciaran Anscomb whose debugger wielding wizardry revealed the exact location of this particular bit of unbrilliance.
author William Astle <>
date Sat, 03 Aug 2024 14:30:06 -0600
parents 87f904e2b304
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright © 2010 William Astle

This file is part of LWTOOLS.

LWTOOLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <>.

#ifndef ___lwasm_h_seen___
#define ___lwasm_h_seen___

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <lw_win.h>	// windows build

#include <lw_expr.h>
#include <lw_stringlist.h>
#include <lw_stack.h>
#include <lw_dict.h>

#include <version.h>

// these are allowed chars BELOW 0x80 for symbols
// first is symbol start chars, second is anywhere in symbol
#define SSYMCHARS "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_@$."
#define SYMCHARS SSYMCHARS ".?0123456789"

typedef struct asmstate_s asmstate_t;

	lwasm_expr_linelen = 1,			// length of ref'd line
	lwasm_expr_lineaddr = 2,		// addr of ref'd line
	lwasm_expr_nextbp = 3,			// next branch point
	lwasm_expr_prevbp = 4,			// previous branch point
	lwasm_expr_syment = 5,			// symbol table entry
	lwasm_expr_import = 6,			// symbol import entry
	lwasm_expr_secbase = 7,			// section base address
	lwasm_expr_linedaddr = 8,		// data address of the line
	lwasm_expr_linedlen = 9			// data length of the line

enum lwasm_output_e
	OUTPUT_DECB = 0,	// DECB multirecord format
	OUTPUT_BASIC,		// Color BASIC program
	OUTPUT_RAW,			// raw sequence of bytes
	OUTPUT_OBJ,			// proprietary object file format
	OUTPUT_RAWREL,		// raw bytes where ORG causes a SEEK in the file
	OUTPUT_OS9,			// os9 module target
	OUTPUT_SREC,		// motorola SREC format
	OUTPUT_IHEX,		// intel hex format
	OUTPUT_HEX,			// generic hexadecimal format
	OUTPUT_LWMOD,       // special module format for LW
	OUTPUT_DRAGON,      // Dragon DOS binary
	OUTPUT_ABS          // absolute binary block

enum lwasm_flags_e
	FLAG_LIST = 0x0001,
	FLAG_DEPEND = 0x0002,
	FLAG_SYMBOLS = 0x004,
	FLAG_UNICORNS = 0x0010,
	FLAG_MAP = 0x0020,
	FLAG_NOOUT = 0x80,
	FLAG_SYMDUMP = 0x100,

enum lwasm_pragmas_e
	PRAGMA_NONE = 0,						// no pragmas in effect
	PRAGMA_DOLLARNOTLOCAL 		= 1 << 0,	// dollar sign does not make a symbol local
	PRAGMA_NOINDEX0TONONE 		= 1 << 1,	// do not change implicit 0,R to ,R
	PRAGMA_UNDEFEXTERN			= 1 << 2,	// undefined symbols are considered to be external
	PRAGMA_CESCAPES 			= 1 << 3,	// allow C style escapes in fcc, fcs, fcn, etc.
	PRAGMA_IMPORTUNDEFEXPORT	= 1 << 4,	// imports symbol if undefined upon export
	PRAGMA_PCASPCR				= 1 << 5,	// treats ,PC as ,PCR instead of constant offset
	PRAGMA_SHADOW				= 1 << 6,	// allow macros to shadow builtin operations
	PRAGMA_NOLIST				= 1 << 7,	// don't show line in listing
	PRAGMA_AUTOBRANCHLENGTH		= 1 << 8,	// automatically select proper length for relative branches
	PRAGMA_EXPORT				= 1 << 9,	// export symbols by default, unless local
	PRAGMA_SYMBOLNOCASE			= 1 << 10,	// symbols defined under this pragma are matched case insensitively
	PRAGMA_CONDUNDEFZERO		= 1 << 11,	// treat undefined symbols as zero in conditionals during pass 1
	PRAGMA_6800COMPAT			= 1 << 12,	// enable 6800 compatibility opcodes
	PRAGMA_FORWARDREFMAX		= 1 << 13,	// force incomplete references on pass 1 to maximum mode
	PRAGMA_6809					= 1 << 14,	// 6809/6309 assembly mode
	PRAGMA_TESTMODE				= 1 << 15,	// enable test mode (for internal unit testing)
	PRAGMA_C					= 1 << 16,	// enable cycle counts
	PRAGMA_CD					= 1 << 17,	// enable detailed cycle count
	PRAGMA_CT					= 1 << 18,	// enable cycle count running total
	PRAGMA_CC					= 1 << 19,	// clear cycle count running total
	PRAGMA_QRTS					= 1 << 20,	// enable BRA ?RTS support
	PRAGMA_M80EXT				= 1 << 21,	// enable Macro-80C assembler extensions
	PRAGMA_6809CONV				= 1 << 22,	// enable 6809 convenience ops
	PRAGMA_6309CONV				= 1 << 23,	// enable 6309 convenience ops
	PRAGMA_NEWSOURCE			= 1 << 24,	// don't use compatibility source format
	PRAGMA_OPERANDSIZE			= 1 << 25,	// warn if operand size is bigger than required
	PRAGMA_EMUEXT				= 1 << 26,  // enable emulator extensions
	PRAGMA_NOOUTPUT             = 1 << 27,  // disable object code output
	PRAGMA_NOEXPANDCOND         = 1 << 28,  // hide conditionals and skipped output in listings
	PRAGMA_NOLISTCODE           = 1 << 29,  // hide line in listing even if it generates code
	PRAGMA_CLEARBIT				= 1 << 31	// reserved to indicate negated pragma flag status

	section_flag_bss = 1,				// BSS section
	section_flag_constant = 2,			// constants - no base offset
	section_flag_none = 0				// no flags

typedef struct reloctab_s reloctab_t;
struct reloctab_s
	lw_expr_t offset;					// offset of relocation
	int size;							// size of relocation
	lw_expr_t expr;						// relocation expression
	reloctab_t *next;

typedef struct sectiontab_s sectiontab_t;
struct sectiontab_s
	char *name;							// section name
	int flags;							// section flags;
	lw_expr_t offset;					// offset for next instance
	int oblen;							// size of section output
	int obsize;							// size of output buffer
	int tbase;                          // temporary base value for resolution
	unsigned char *obytes;				// output buffer
	reloctab_t *reloctab;				// table of relocations
	sectiontab_t *next;

typedef enum
	TF_EMIT = 1,
} lwasm_testflags_t;

typedef enum 
	E_6309_INVALID				= 1,
	E_6809_INVALID				= 2,
	E_CONDITION_P1				= 7,
	E_DIV0						= 9,
	E_EXEC_ADDRESS				= 10,
	E_FILL_INVALID				= 11,
	E_FILE_OPEN					= 17,
	E_LINE_ADDRESS				= 21,
	E_MACRO_DUPE				= 23,
	E_MACRO_ENDM				= 24,
	E_MACRO_NONAME				= 25,
	E_MODULE_IN					= 27,
	E_MODULE_NOTIN				= 28,
	E_NW_8						= 31,
	E_OPCODE_BAD				= 32,
	E_OPERAND_BAD				= 33,
	E_PADDING_BAD				= 35,
	E_REGISTER_BAD				= 37,
	E_SECTION_END				= 38,
	E_SECTION_FLAG				= 40,
	E_SECTION_NAME				= 41,
	E_STRING_BAD				= 45,
	E_STRUCT_DUPE				= 46,
	E_SYMBOL_BAD				= 50,
	E_SYMBOL_DUPE				= 51,
	E_ORG_NOT_FOUND				= 57,
	E_ILL5						= 59,
	/* warnings must be 1000 or greater */

	W_NOT_SUPPORTED				= 1002,
	W_OPERAND_SIZE				= 1004
} lwasm_errorcode_t;

#define NOWARN_NONE             0
#define NOWARN_IFP1             1

typedef struct lwasm_error_s lwasm_error_t;
struct lwasm_error_s
	lwasm_errorcode_t code;				// error code
	char *mess;							// actual error message
	int charpos;						// character position on line where parsing stopped
	lwasm_error_t *next;				// ptr to next error

struct line_expr_s
	lw_expr_t expr;
	int id;
	struct line_expr_s *next;

typedef struct line_s line_t;

typedef struct exportlist_s exportlist_t;
struct exportlist_s
	char *symbol;						// symbol to export
	struct symtabe *se;					// symbol table entry
	line_t *line;						// line the export is on
	exportlist_t *next;					// next in the export list

typedef struct importlist_s importlist_t;
struct importlist_s
	char *symbol;						// symbol to import
	importlist_t *next;					// next in the import list

typedef enum
} cycle_flags;

struct line_s
	lw_expr_t addr;						// assembly address of the line
	lw_expr_t daddr;					// data address of the line (os9 only)
	int len;							// the "size" this line occupies (address space wise) (-1 if unknown)
	int dlen;							// the data "size" this line occupies (-1 if unknown)
	int minlen;							// minimum length
	int maxlen;							// maximum length
	int insn;							// number of insn in insn table
	int symset;							// set if the line symbol was consumed by the instruction
	char *sym;							// symbol, if any, on the line
	unsigned char *output;				// output bytes
	int outputl;						// size of output
	int outputbl;						// size of output buffer
	int dpval;							// direct page value
	int cycle_base;						// base instruction cycle count
	int cycle_adj;						// cycle adjustment
	int	cycle_flags;					// cycle flags
	int genmode;						// generation mode (insn_parse_gen0/8/16)
	int fcc_extras;						// fcc extra bytes
	lwasm_error_t *err;					// list of errors
	lwasm_error_t *warn;				// list of errors
	lwasm_errorcode_t err_testmode;		// error code in testmode
	line_t *prev;						// previous line
	line_t *next;						// next line
	int inmod;							// inside a module?
	sectiontab_t *csect;				// which section are we in?
	struct line_expr_s *exprs;			// expressions used during parsing
	char *lstr;							// string passed forward
	int pb;								// pass forward post byte
	int lint;							// pass forward integer
	int lint2;							// another pass forward integer
	int conditional_return;				// for ?RTS handling (1 if RTS follows)
	asmstate_t *as;						// assembler state data ptr
	int pragmas;						// pragmas in effect for the line
	int context;						// the symbol context number
	char *ltext;						// line number
	char *linespec;						// line spec
	int lineno;							// line number
	int soff;							// struct offset (for listings)
	int dshow;							// data value to show (for listings)
	int dsize;							// set to 1 for 8 bit dshow value
	int isbrpt;							// set to 1 if this line is a branch point
	struct symtabe *dptr;				// symbol value to display

	int noexpand_start;					// start of a no-expand block
	int noexpand_end;					// end of a no-expand block
	int hideline;						// set if we're going to hide this line on output	
	int hidecond;                       // set if we're going to hide this line due to condition hiding

	symbol_flag_set = 1,				// symbol was used with "set"
	symbol_flag_nocheck = 2,			// do not check symbol characters
	symbol_flag_nolist = 4,				// no not show symbol in symbol table
	symbol_flag_nocase = 8,				// do not match case of symbol
	symbol_flag_none = 0				// no flags

struct symtabe
	char *symbol;						// the name of the symbol
	int context;						// symbol context (-1 for global)
	int version;						// version of the symbol (for "set")
	int flags;							// flags for the symbol
	sectiontab_t *section;				// section the symbol is defined in
	lw_expr_t value;					// symbol value
	struct symtabe *left;				// left subtree pointer
	struct symtabe *right;				// right subtree pointer
	struct symtabe *nextver;			// next lower version

typedef struct
	struct symtabe *head;				// start of symbol table
} symtab_t;

typedef struct macrotab_s macrotab_t;
struct macrotab_s
	char *name;							// name of macro
	char **lines;						// macro lines
	int numlines;						// number lines in macro
	int flags;							// flags for the macro
	macrotab_t *next;					// next macro in list
	line_t *definedat;					// the line where the macro definition starts

	macro_noexpand = 1					// set to not expland the macro by default in listing

typedef struct structtab_s structtab_t;
typedef struct structtab_field_s structtab_field_t;

struct structtab_field_s
	char *name;							// structure field name - NULL for anonymous
	int size;							// structure field size
	structtab_t *substruct;				// sub structure if there is one
	structtab_field_t *next;			// next field entry

struct structtab_s
	char *name;							// name of structure
	int size;							// number of bytes taken by struct
	structtab_field_t *fields;			// fields in the structure
	structtab_t *next;					// next structure
	line_t *definedat;					// line where structure is defined

struct asmstate_s
	int output_format;					// output format
	int debug_level;					// level of debugging requested
	FILE *debug_file;					// FILE * to output debug messages to
	int flags;							// assembly flags
	int pragmas;						// pragmas currently in effect
	int errorcount;						// number of errors encountered
	int warningcount;					// number of warnings issued
	int testmode_errorcount;			// number of errors in testmode
	int inmacro;						// are we in a macro?
	int instruct;						// are w in a structure?
	int skipcond;						// skipping a condition?
	int skipcount;						// depth of "skipping"
	int skipmacro;						// are we skipping in a macro?	
	int endseen;						// have we seen an "end" pseudo?
	int execaddr;						// address from "end"
	lw_expr_t execaddr_expr;            // address from "end" but as an expression
	int inmod;							// inside an os9 module?
	int undefzero;						// used for handling "condundefzero"
	int pretendmax;						// set if we need to pretend the instruction is max length
	unsigned char crc[3];				// crc accumulator
	int cycle_total;					// cycle count accumulator
	int badsymerr;						// throw error on undef sym if set

	line_t *line_head;					// start of lines list
	line_t *line_tail;					// tail of lines list

	line_t *cl;							// current line pointer
	sectiontab_t *csect;				// current section
	int context;						// the current "context"
	int nextcontext;					// the next available context
	symtab_t symtab;					// meta data for the symbol table
	macrotab_t *macros;					// macro table
	sectiontab_t *sections;				// section table
	exportlist_t *exportlist;			// list of exported symbols
	importlist_t *importlist;			// list of imported symbols
	char *list_file;					// name of file to list to
	char *symbol_dump_file;				// name of file to dump symbol table to
	int tabwidth;						// tab width in list file
	char *map_file;						// name of map file
	char *output_file;					// output file name	
	lw_stringlist_t input_files;		// files to assemble
	void *input_data;					// opaque data used by the input system
	lw_stringlist_t include_list;		// include paths
	lw_stack_t file_dir;				// stack of the "current file" dir
	lw_stack_t includelist;
	lw_dict_t stringvars;               // dictionary of string variables (SETSTR/INCLUDESTR)

	structtab_t *structs;				// defined structures
	structtab_t *cstruct;				// current structure
	lw_expr_t savedaddr;				// old address counter before struct started	
	int exportcheck;					// set if we need to collapse out the section base to 0
	int passno;							// set to the current pass number
	int preprocess;						// set if we are prepocessing
	int fileerr;						// flags error opening file
	int exprwidth;						// the bit width of the expression being evaluated
	int listnofile;						// nonzero to suppress printing file name in listings
	int nowarn_flags;                   // flags indicating which warnings to suppress

struct symtabe *register_symbol(asmstate_t *as, line_t *cl, char *sym, lw_expr_t value, int flags);
struct symtabe *lookup_symbol(asmstate_t *as, line_t *cl, char *sym);

int parse_pragma_helper(char *p);

int lwasm_cycle_calc_ind(line_t *cl);
int lwasm_cycle_calc_rlist(line_t *cl);
void lwasm_cycle_update_count(line_t *cl, int opc);

void lwasm_parse_testmode_comment(line_t *cl, lwasm_testflags_t *flags, lwasm_errorcode_t *err, int *len, char **buf);
void lwasm_error_testmode(line_t *cl, const char* msg, int fatal);

void lwasm_register_error(asmstate_t *as, line_t *cl, lwasm_errorcode_t err);
void lwasm_register_error2(asmstate_t *as, line_t *cl, lwasm_errorcode_t err, const char* fmt, ...);

int lwasm_next_context(asmstate_t *as);
void lwasm_emit(line_t *cl, int byte);
void lwasm_emitop(line_t *cl, int opc);

void lwasm_save_expr(line_t *cl, int id, lw_expr_t expr);
lw_expr_t lwasm_fetch_expr(line_t *cl, int id);
lw_expr_t lwasm_parse_expr(asmstate_t *as, char **p);
int lwasm_emitexpr(line_t *cl, lw_expr_t expr, int s);

void skip_operand_real(line_t *l, char **p);
/* this macro can only be used where "l" is the current line pointer */
#define skip_operand(p) skip_operand_real(l, p)

int lwasm_lookupreg2(const char *rlist, char **p);
int lwasm_lookupreg3(const char *rlist, char **p);

void lwasm_show_errors(asmstate_t *as);

int lwasm_reduce_expr(asmstate_t *as, lw_expr_t expr);

lw_expr_t lwasm_parse_cond(asmstate_t *as, char **p);

int lwasm_calculate_range(asmstate_t *as, lw_expr_t expr, int *min, int *max);

void lwasm_reduce_line_exprs(line_t *cl);

#define debug_message(...)
#define dump_state(...)
void real_debug_message(asmstate_t *as, int level, const char *fmt, ...);
void dump_state(asmstate_t *as);

#define debug_message(as,level,...) do { asmstate_t *ras = (as); int rlevel = (level); if (ras->debug_level >= rlevel) { real_debug_message(ras, rlevel, __VA_ARGS__); } } while (0)

#define OPLEN(op) (((op)>0xFF)?2:1)
#define CURPRAGMA(l,p)	(((l) && ((l)->pragmas & (p))) ? 1 : 0)

/* some functions for parsing */
/* skip to the start of the next token if the current parsing mode allows it */
void lwasm_skip_to_next_token(line_t *cl, char **p);

/* parse a generalized string enclosed in double quotes */
char *lwasm_parse_general_string(line_t *cl, char **p);

#endif /* ___lwasm_h_seen___ */